How to tag a business on Facebook ?

Facebook is one of the most popular social networks in the world which has a large audience. This platform has several interesting features including the “identification” or “tag” feature which consists of associating another user with content before publishing it. In principle, this practice is very advantageous since it allows you to generate a larger audience on the platform and improve your visibility . To take advantage of these different benefits, you must first learn how to tag a business on Facebook . To do this, prepare the content to publish then press @ to tag the company in question before validating the publication.

Is it important to tag a company in your content? What are the mistakes to avoid for identification to be successful? What are some tips for easily associating a company with your publication? Here are many concerns for which you will find the best solutions in this article .

What does it mean to tag a business on Facebook ?

Why tag a business

Facebook 's "identification" feature is not a new option. It dates back a long time and at the beginning, identification on this social platform could not be done only with photos. Since it became possible to publish a video on Facebook , you have the possibility of tagging a business on Facebook in any type of publication on this social network.

Concretely, tagging a company on Facebook means associating its name or identifying it in one of the content you publish. In other words, identifying a company on Facebook means linking its name to your content before or after its publication. As Facebook mentions, when you tag a business, you link to their profile. This means that the publication in which you identified him can be added to his timeline.

Actually, if the company's Facebook The publication in which she is identified appears not only on her profile, in her news feed, but also in that of people who subscribe to her page. This will simply mean that, tagging a business on Facebook gives you visibility . Note, however, that the publication in question will appear automatically or upon approval on the company's timeline depending on the configuration of its tag settings.

Facebook in fact has a section entirely dedicated to configuring log settings and identifications. If the company enables the “Review posts you are tagged in before they appear on your timeline?” ", this will mean that she must approve each of the publications in which she is identified.

She can also activate the “everyone” option. In this case, all users who view her profile, subscribers to her page as well as pages to which she is subscribed will be able to see the publication. The company also has the possibility of personalizing the parameters of such a brand so that only subscribers to its page or only it can see the publications in which it is tagged. In this case, this would reduce the visibility of the published content .

Tagging a business on this social network: the advantages

Tagging yourself on a post is a real way to advertise a third party business and yourself. As we explained a little above, tagging a business in a Facebook allows you to gain visibility. Therefore, you can have more subscribers if you are also a business. Thanks to certain Facebook tools , you can generate leads by converting this audience, for you, which could boost your business and your activities.

Beyond this advantage, you can tag a company on Facebook when you use or share any of this content. This helps avoid problems. The best way to choose a good company is through recommendation. If you are a brand that operates in a sector, tagging a company allows you to take advantage of it to have more customers . This is why it is strongly recommended to only identify companies that are famous or have a large number of subscribers , since this is one of the best ways to not only advertise the brand in question , but also to yourself.

The perpetual search for natural referencing is an important part for all people or companies who want to stand out on Facebook . Identifying a business on this platform will help you optimize your positioning in the news feeds of several people .

Bad practices to avoid

Beware of facebook 's algorithms

To tag a business on Facebook , there are some good attitudes to approach . First, you should avoid identifying a business owner's personal account in addition to their business account. Indeed, each person has their own private life, and directly associating the private account of the owner of a business with a publication in which he appears is not at all appreciated.

You really need to be careful at this level. Facebook 's algorithms often tend to present a business's private account rather than their company's account when searching. This situation particularly arises when the business owner's private account and the business page have the same name. Without knowing it, you will not identify the company, but rather the person.

The other mistake to avoid is using external tools thinking that you will save time. The aim of these tools is to simultaneously share the publication on all of its social networks. Just note that the social platform Facebook does not like these different tools at all. She can even sanction you if she deems it necessary.

Identification only makes sense and bears fruit if it is clickable. A common mistake most people make is identifying a business on Facebook without including a link. Very few people will copy a company name to do a search. In addition, the company's subscribers will never know about your publication. This is also the case for people who copy the URL address of a company's page in places where hyperlinks are prohibited .

Finally, using a # instead of an @ is not always recommended. This is not enough in all cases to tag a business on Facebook . In doing so, it is not always obvious that your post creates a link with the identified company.

Essential tips for identifying a business on Facebook

facebook tips

You can tag a business before or after posting content . The procedure in these two cases is not identical. It may also vary depending on the type of device you use.

Tag a business on Facebook before posting

To mention a business on Facebook before a post, here is the procedure you must follow:

  • prepare the content to be published (text, image or video);
  • enter the “@” symbol. Once you have done so, a list of names will be displayed. Choose from this the name of the page you want to use. Also note that you can directly enter the name of the company you are looking for after the “@”.

Remember that depending on the configuration of a page, you may not be able to identify it directly. It should also be remembered that the audience generated by this identification depends on the confidentiality of the page .

Identify a business on Facebook after publication

When you have already created the publication, it is possible to come back and identify a company. The procedure to do this depends on the type of device you are using. The most convenient way, however, is to do it with a laptop.

Start by logging into your Facebook account and clicking the down arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Then select your profile photo and scroll through the content on your timeline until you find the target post. Once you find it, click on the tag icon located in the upper right corner.

Select the company you want to tag then press the “Tagging Done” option. On a smartphone or a phone with an iOS operating system, the procedure is a little special. At the top of your News Feed, click on your profile photo. Scroll through your timeline and click on the relevant post and the tag icon in the upper right corner of the screen respectively, then select the business to tag.

It is essential to return to a crucial point. You really can't tag third-party websites on Facebook , but rather the company's official page on this social platform.

Want to go further ? Become visible on Facebook  

If more and more people continue to tag a business on Facebook , the objective is to generate a large audience and therefore have increased visibility . Although you have already identified companies, you may find it difficult to achieve this goal. However, we have useful Facebook , which could help you find your mark and generate a quality audience on this social network!


In summary, you can tag a business on Facebook in just a few easy steps. You just need to know the right tips. The main goal of any identification on Facebook is to have a larger audience, SocialBlast platform to quickly achieve this objective. The results are guaranteed and you risk no sanctions from Facebook .

About me

After many years of managing influencer social networks, I share my tips with you.
My favorite social network: TikTok 😍

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